IDEAS By GulAhmed Jobs June 2020
IDEAS By GulAhmed Jobs June 2020:
IDEAS is seeking for ‘Warehouse Assistants’ based at Karachi, Pakistan.
Location: Korangi
Education: Matric/Inter
Experience: Fresh
Gender: Male
Shift: Yes (Roster based)
Share resume asap to [email protected] with Subject: ‘Warehouse Assistant Karachi’ latest by Jun 14, 2020
IDEAS is urgently seeking for ‘Online Customer Service Experts’ for E-Commerce department based at Karachi, Pakistan. Excellent written communication skills and social media management skills are preferred.
No. of Positions: 02
Education: Graduate/Masters
Experience: 1-3 years
Gender: Male/Female
Shift: Yes(Roster based)
Share resume to [email protected] with Subject: ‘Online Customer Service Expert’ asap.
IDEAS is urgently seeking for ‘Live Chat Experts’ for E-Commerce department based at Karachi, Pakistan. Excellent written communication skills and social media management skills are preferred.
Education: Graduate min.
Experience: 1-2 years
Gender: Male/Female
Shift: Yes(Roster based)
Work from home: Yes(80%)
Share resume to [email protected] with Subject: Live Chat Expert asap.